Path to Resilience Journaling Challenge
Join Jamie Lynn Tatera on a life-changing, resilience boosting journaling adventure.
Week 1 Journaling on the Path to Resilience: Mindfulness and Emotions
Journaling Week 1 Guided Practice
Week 2 Journaling on the Path to Resilience: Side-by-Side Feelings
Journaling Week 2 Guided Practice
Week 3 Journaling on the Path to Resilience: Share the Plate with Kindness and Care
Week 3 Guided Practice
Week 4 Journaling on the Path to Resilience: Mindfulness training
Journaling on the Path to Resilience: Relating Skillfully to Difficult Thoughts
Week 5 Guided Practice: Mindfulness of Thoughts
Journaling on the Path to Resilience: Self-Compassion